Welcome to the History Corner!
Celebrating the rich history of Port Byron, New York, an old Erie Canal village in the Town of Mentz. This site is dedicated to the legacy and heritage of our community as well as a variety of regional historical tidbits. I hope you enjoy your visit and will stop by again.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Then and Now

Many may enjoy seeing some photos of the past as compared to today





Sunday, July 1, 2012

Lost Church

Many may remember attending school at this church.

Here is an earlier photo:

William Hecht Collection Rootsweb-digital enhancement by D Roe 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

It's all about spelling

Just for fun I decided to see how many times I could find published material about Port Byron that contained a spelling error.  Much to my surprise, not only can I find such instances for our village here in NY, I can find the same for Port Byron, IL.

Many early works list us a Port Bryon!

Erie Canal Route

Annual Report of Social Welfare

Ever wonder what happened to that missing parcel of mail?  Maybe it was sent to Port Bryon!

Lyon's Postal Guide

The one I enjoyed the most was from the Huguenot Society where the Haddens are listed as being from Port Bryon and Port Byran on the same page!

National Huguenot Society Bible Records

Look closely at the Laws of the State of New York about our village name

Act confirming the election of officers

Did you notice Port Bryon and then Port Byron?